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Universal TileLoader

Started by Big C., July 08, 2006, 07:36:47 AM

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Big C.

This is a universal Tile Loader Routine. You can use BlockImages with or without a Space around the Tiles. These Tiles will be uniform width and height.

Example BlockImages are included.

Download Version #3 of the loader here


Nice one, Big C.  ;)

Unfortunately it's a teenie weenie little bit error prone.

You calculate the number of rows and columns by dividing the image width/height by tile width/height. But you forgot the tspacer!
If you have 32 images in one row and a tspace of 1 you'll try to read a non existant image after the right most one...

So you need to do something like

TColumns = GetImageWidth(Temp_Image)/(TWidth+TSpacer)
TRows = GetImageHeight(Temp_Image)/(THeight+TSpacer)

in your calculation.

Now try to get it updated in the PBCT  :P
I just read the post where Kevin says that entries can't be updated or deleted  :rolleyes:


Big C.

In short words... you are right, Tommy  :( ... thx  :D

Updated Version above (third entry...)

Big C.

Ok, its currently a little bit tricky to hold my contribution at PBCT updated...

But, I enlarged the Loader Routine with a scaling parameter...

This is the sourcecode of V4... You find the graphics under the above-mentioned link.

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
; PROJECT : TilesLoader V4
; AUTHOR : Big C.
; CREATED : 08.07.2006
; EDITED : 09.07.2006
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

; ****************************************************************************
; * Global Definitions
; ****************************************************************************

Dim MyTiles(-1)

Global TotalTiles = 0

;Example Image#1 without spacer
MyImage$ = "MyTiles_Without_Spacer2.bmp"

;Example Image#2 with space around the Tiles of 1 Pixel
;MyImage$ = "MyTiles_With_Spacer2.bmp"

TileWidth = 32
TileHeight = 32

; Set TileSpacer to the Width of your Spacer in Pixel
; For example Image#2 I use 1 Pixel
TileSpacer = 0

; TileScaleFlag scales your Tiles down or up or not
; -2 = 50%
; -1 = 70%
; 0 = Original Size = no scaling
; 1 = 125%
; 2 = 150%
TileScaleFlag = 0

; Colour of Transparency
TransparentColour = RGB(255,0,255)

; ****************************************************************************
; * Subroutine: LoadTiles
; ****************************************************************************

Psub LoadTiles(TArray(), ImageFile$, TWidth, THeight, TSpacer, TScaleFlag, TColour)

If TScaleFlag < -2 Or TScaleFlag > 2 Or TScaleFlag = 0
Scale = False
TScaleFactor# = 1 + (0.25*TScaleFlag)
Scale = True

Temp_Image = LoadNewImage(ImageFile$)

TColumns = GetImageWidth(Temp_Image)/(TWidth + TSpacer)
TRows = GetImageHeight(Temp_Image)/(THeight + TSpacer)

ReDim TArray(TColumns*TRows)

PosX = TSpacer
PosY = TSpacer

ImageNumber = 0

RenderToImage Temp_Image

For Rows = 0 To TRows-1
For Columns = 0 To TColumns-1
TArray(ImageNumber) = GetFreeImage()
GetImage TArray(ImageNumber), PosX, PosY, PosX + TWidth, PosY + THeight
If Scale
ScaleImage TArray(ImageNumber), TScaleFactor#, TScaleFactor#, 0
ImageMaskColour TArray(ImageNumber), TColour
PosX = PosX + TWidth + TSpacer
Inc ImageNumber
Next Columns
PosX = TSpacer
PosY = PosY + THeight + TSpacer
Next Rows


DeleteImage Temp_Image

TotalTiles = ImageNumber


; ****************************************************************************
; * Initialize
; ****************************************************************************

OpenScreen 1024, 768, 16, 1

BeforeReDim = GetArrayElements(MyTiles(),1)

LoadTiles(MyTiles(), MyImage$, TileWidth, TileHeight, TileSpacer, TileScaleFlag, TransparentColour)

AfterReDim = GetArrayElements(MyTiles(),1)

; ****************************************************************************
; * Main Loop
; ****************************************************************************


Cls RGB(0,0,0)

Print "Array-Elements before grabbing Tiles: " + Str$(BeforeReDim)
Print "Number of Tiles loaded: " + Str$(TotalTiles)
Print "Array-Elements after grabbing Tiles: " + Str$(AfterReDim)

For i = 0 To TotalTiles-1
; Draw the Images in solid mode...
DrawImage MyTiles(i), 100, 50+(i*40), 0
; ... and in transparency mode
DrawImage MyTiles(i), 200, 50+(i*40), 1
Next i


Until EscKey()



