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Fx Fonts

Started by kevin, December 05, 2006, 10:00:15 AM

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 Fonts now have a FX buffer support.  

  Note: With the Addition of Compressed Raster Fonts, both Bitmap & FX Bitmap font modes are basically obsolete.

  See: Fonts in PlayBASIC Help Files


The Code from this example

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
; Display a message while the loads and are converted
Print "Loading Fonts:"
screenvsync on

; Load the Windows True Type Font Arial (50 point)
LoadFont "Arial",2,60,1
PrepareFXfont 2
Setfont 2

; Create an Image in FX format (800*600)
CreateFXImage 1,800,600

; Clear the screen
Cls rgb(0,100,40)

; Tell PB to render to this surface
rendertoimage 1

; Draw Box with Alpha Sub to the FX image
inkmode 1+128
boxc 0,0,800,600,true,rgb($2,$4,6)
inkmode 1

; Render some text to this image in a random position
text rnd(800),rnd(600),"FX Font On FX IMage"

; tell PB to direct all drawing to the screem

; Rotate our FX image and draw it to the screen
DrawRotatedImage 1,400,300,angle#,1.0+Cos(angle2#),1.2,Getimagewidth(1)/-2,GetImageHeight(1)/-2,true

; draw the
Print "Drawing FX fonts to FX images"
Print Fps()

; Bump the Rotation angles
Angle#=wrapangle(angle#,cos(angle2#)*1 )