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Asc II Maps

Started by LemonWizard, April 30, 2008, 03:57:02 PM

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Two simple sample runs I've done using some of the basic commands.
I'm a beginner with play basic but I've used a compiler that's similiar to playbasic in the past so while I am a newbie at this there is still some things I catch onto very easily...

I find it interesting and fun to use randomizer sequences. I've been playing with the dot command to test pixel coordinates, rendering time.. etc..

Going to develop a timer script soon that tests how many pixels can render on the screen for the cpu playbasic is running on... most computers are different in minor ways.


This is will map out ascII characters randomly... a 30 by 30 character map.
Something like this would be good for developing a 2d ASCII game... like an ASCII version of pacman.
Right now it's fairly sloppy... but I had fun making it. Total time.. approx five to ten minutes.

Dim TMAP(30,30)

Dim Characters(255)
for tempchar=1 to 255
next tempchar

For tempx=1 to 30
for tempy=1 to 30
setcursor tempx*10,tempy*10
print chr$(characters(tempchar))
wait 5
gosub getinput
next tempy
next tempx
if a$="a" then :end

This one below is a pixel map randomizer... play around with it and see what happens.
It uses random color codes. With the wait command you can vew the pixels being printed on the screen in rows. It's fun to watch.
It demonstrates how simple for temp loops, and the dot command can be used to draw sprites.

For tempy=1 to 500
For tempx=1 to 500
If R <100 then R=100
Ink rgb(R,B,G)
Dot Tempx,Tempy
wait 1
next tempx
next tempy