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PlayBASIC Retail Upgrade Announcements

Started by kevin, January 28, 2007, 06:09:30 AM

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PlayBASIC V1.64P4 _Retail Upgrade_ Now Available (24th, Mar, 2016)

    The PlayBASIC V1.64P4  package includes updates of PlayBASIC Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes, SLIBS,  DOCS & IDE V1.17b. 

    The V1.64P4 revision introduces the PBI (PlayBASIC Image format) as well as including a round of documentation and bug tweaks.   For more information about those read the blog thread.

    Don't have a retail version of PlayBASIC ? and want to find out more information about PlayBASIC programming > please visit the and download the free learning edition.


   Download PlayBASIC V1.64P4 Retail Upgrade (login required)  (24th,Mar,2016)



PlayBASIC V1.65 _Retail Upgrade_ Now Available (9th, Oct, 2016)

   NOTE: THIS IS AN AS IS BUILD OF V1.65 - it's not 100%, we know that, but need your help to complete it !

   The V1.65  introduces the next generation of the PlayBASIC virtual machine, so everything on the execution side of the product is new.  This new VM gives us better speed (with even more speed to come) but of couse all these changes introduce new gremblins also.   So you should expect to find programs that don't compile and simply wont work.     Somoe of these changes occur from compiler / parser side of things, but things like crashes will be either some missing functionality in the new VM or something it used to do, isn't being handled anything, or has changed.  

   For  information about the PlayBASIC V1.65 work in progress read the blog thread and  V1.65 related errors, post them in the V1.65 bug reporting thread (login required)  

   Don't have a retail version of PlayBASIC ? and want to find out more information about PlayBASIC programming > please visit the and download the free learning edition.


  Download PlayBASIC V1.65 Retail Upgrade (login required)  (9th,Oct,2016)  



PlayBASIC V1.65B _Retail Upgrade_ Now Available (23rd, June, 2017)

   The PlayBASIC V1.65B  package includes updates of PlayBASIC Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes, SLIBS,  DOCS & IDE V1.17b.  

   The V1.65B includes second release of the next generation of the PlayBASIC virtual machine.  In this build 99.99% of the commands now execute on the new VM side, giving much higher execution performance.    There are still some 'commands' tied to the legacy VM which mainly the debugger command set and few text commands such as Print and TEXT and the Sync command which is actually a VM TRIGGER..  

  Performance wise this is easily the fastest edition of PlayBASIC to date,  even though the runtime is missing some of the byte code optimization modes found in the V1.64 builds, which will be tackled in the next revision of 1.65, but for now get stuck into it

   Reminder: The new runtime doesn't support reading from types that don't exist,  which can cause old programs to fail from time to time..  For a full V1.65B development story read the PlayBASIC V1.65 blogs and for V1.65 related errors, post them in the V1.65 bug reporting thread (login required).  

   Don't have a retail version of PlayBASIC ? and want to find out more information about PlayBASIC programming > please visit the and download the free learning edition.


  PlayBASIC Video Blog Ep 0003 (2017 -06-24) (login required)


  Download PlayBASIC V1.65B Retail Upgrade (login required)  (23rd,June,2017)


PlayBASIC V1.65C _Retail Upgrade_ Now Available (21st, Oct, 2018)

    The PlayBASIC V1.65C  package includes updates of PlayBASIC Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes, SLIBS,  DOCS & IDE V1.17b. 

    The V1.65C includes third major release of the next generation of the PlayBASIC virtual machine.  In this build 100% of the commands now executed on the new VM side, giving much higher execution performance than V1.64 and previous legacy builds.   The main objective of V1.65C revision was to catch the last remaining problems or missing functionality from the previous V1.65 releases, which I thing we've about covered now.    There's still some features missing from the V1.64 era of the runtime that are not in v1.65c such as sequential type access optimizations, but that will reappear in the later build.       

    Reminder: The new runtime doesn't support reading from types that don't exist,  which can cause old programs to fail from time to time..  For a full V1.65C development story read the PlayBASIC V1.65 blogs here and for V1.65 related errors, post them in the V1.65 bug reporting thread (login required).   




   Download PlayBASIC V1.65C Retail Upgrade (login required)  (21st,Oct,2018) 



PlayBASIC V1.65C2 _Retail Upgrade_ Now Available (10th, July, 2021)

   The PlayBASIC V1.65C2  package includes updates of PlayBASIC Compiler, Release / Debug Runtimes, SLIBS,  DOCS & IDE V1.17b.  

   Reminder: The new runtime doesn't support reading from types that don't exist,  which can cause old programs to fail from time to time..  For a full V1.65C development story read the PlayBASIC V1.65 blogs here and for V1.65 related errors, post them in the V1.65 bug reporting thread (login required).  

   Don't have a retail version of PlayBASIC ? and want to find out more information about PlayBASIC programming > please visit the and download the free learning edition.


   Download PlayBASIC V1.65C2 Retail Upgrade (login required)  (10th,July,2021)