
PlayBASIC => Resources => Source Codes => Topic started by: kevin on September 22, 2007, 02:38:17 AM

Title: Linked List of Typed Pointers
Post by: kevin on September 22, 2007, 02:38:17 AM
Linked List of Typed Pointers

    This example demonstrates how to manually create a linked list of typed objects.    The code use inheritance to spawn the child type from the parent linked list.   Since you control the linking, you can link any child type descended from the linked list type safely into your list.    Moreover, if you modify the Link/unlink function you can control an infinite number (in  perfect world) of custom lists.



Explicit on

   Type LinkList

   ; Point to the First object in use
   Global    FirstObject=0

Function LinkObject(Me as Linklist Pointer)
   dim NextObject as linklist pointer
   me.BackLink   =0
   if FirstObject<>0
      NextObject            =FirstObject
      NextObject.backlink   =int(me)   
      ; link me to the old first object
      me.forwardlink         =FirstObject   


Function UnlinkObject(Me as LinkList pointer)
      dim PreviousObject as linklist pointer

      PreviousObject      =me.Backlink
      NextObject         =me.ForwardLink

      ; Check if were deleting the first object in the list
      if FirstObject=int(me) then    FirstObject=int(NextObject)      

         ; IF the next object isn't the end of the list, then set it's Back link to the previous object
      if int(NextObject)<>0       then NextObject.BackLink         =int(PreviousObject)
      if int(PreviousObject)<>0    then PreviousObject.ForwardLink   =int(NextObject)
EndFunction NextObject as linklist pointer

   ; declare the ball type from LinkList parent
   Type tBall as LinkList

   ; declare the Box type from LinkList parent
   Type tBox as LinkList

   local ObjectCount

      Cls rgb(0,0,0)
         global CurrentTime=timer()
;         Print "First Object"+Str$(firstObject)
         Dim Obj as linkList pointer

         ; ============================
         ; Process Linked Object LIst
         ; ============================
         local ObjectsInList=0
            While int(Obj)
               local PreviousObject   =Obj.Backlink
               local NextObject      =obj.ForwardLink
         ;      print Str$(previousobject)+"<-"+Str$(int(Obj))+"->"+STR$(NextObject)
               Select obj.ObjectType
                     case tBall

                     case tBox
                     default   ; Unknown Object Type
               inc ObjectsInList            

         Print "Object Count:"+str$(ObjectsInList)
         ; ====================================
         ; Select and Add Object to linked list
         ; =====================================

         if SpaceKey()=false
            Select Rnd(1)
               case 0
               case 1
            inc ObjectCount

Function AddBall(ObjectCount)
      Dim Obj as Tball pointer
      obj               = new tBall
      obj.Objecttype      = tball
;      obj.name      ="Circle Object"+str$(ObjectCount)
      Obj.x         =rnd#(800)
      Obj.y         =rnd#(600)
      Obj.radius   =rndrange(10,20)
      Obj.Colour   =rndrgb()

Function UpdateBall(Obj as tball pointer)
      local x#=Obj.x-1

      if   CurrentTime<obj.LIfeTime or (X#>-50)            
            local c=Obj.Colour
            local c1=rgbfade(c,25)
            Circlec x#,obj.y,obj.radius,true,c
            Circlec x#,obj.y,obj.radius,false,c1
            CenterText Obj.x,obj.y,obj.Name$
            free Obj               

ENdFUnction NextObject as LinkList Pointer

Function AddBox(ObjectCount)
      Dim Obj as tBox pointer
      obj               = new tbox
      obj.Objecttype      = tbox
      Obj.x1         =rnd#(800)
      Obj.y1         =rnd#(600)
      Obj.x2         =Obj.x1+rnd#(100)
      Obj.y2         =Obj.y1+rnd#(100)
      Obj.Colour   =rndrgb()

Function UpdateBox(Obj as tBox pointer)
   if   CurrentTime<obj.LIfeTime            
         local c=Obj.Colour
         local c1=rgbfade(c,25)
         local x=(Obj.x1+Obj.x2)/2
         local y=(Obj.y1+Obj.y2)/2
         ShadeBox Obj.x1,obj.y1,Obj.x2,obj.y2,c,c1,c,c1
         Boxc Obj.x1,obj.y1,Obj.x2,obj.y2,false,c1

;         CenterText x,y,obj.Name$
         free Obj

ENdFUnction NextObject as LinkList Pointer

Title: Re: Linked List of Typed Pointers
Post by: kevin on September 22, 2007, 03:48:43 PM
  Here's the same code as a native linked list type collection.


   ; Enable Explicit Variable declaration
   Explicit on

   ; Parent Link list container
   Type ListObject

   ; Dim the OBJ type for the hold this list within
   Dim Obj as ListObject List

   ; declare the ball type from LinkList parent
   Type tBall as ListObject

   ; declare the Box type from LinkList parent
   Type tBox as ListObject

   local ObjectCount

      Cls rgb(0,0,0)
         global CurrentTime=timer()
         ; ============================
         ; Process Linked Object LIst
         ; ============================
         local ObjectsInList=0
            For each Obj()
               Select obj.ObjectType
                     case tBall

                     case tBox
                     default   ; Unknown Object Type
               inc ObjectsInList            

         Print "Object Count:"+str$(ObjectsInList)
         ; ====================================
         ; Select and Add Object to linked list
         ; =====================================

         if SpaceKey()=false
            Select Rnd(1)
               case 0
               case 1
            inc ObjectCount

Function AddBall(me.tBall,ObjectCount)
      me               = new tBall
      me.Objecttype      = tball

;      me.name      ="Circle Object"+str$(ObjectCount)
      me.x         =rnd#(800)
      me.y         =rnd#(600)
      me.radius   =rndrange(10,20)
      me.Colour   =rndrgb()

Function UpdateBall(me.tball)
      local x#=me.x-1

      if   CurrentTime<me.LIfeTime or (X#>-50)            
            local c=me.Colour
            local c1=rgbfade(c,25)
            Circlec x#,me.y,me.radius,true,c
            Circlec x#,me.y,me.radius,false,c1
;            CenterText me.x,me.y,me.Name$
            ; Free This item from the list
            me =null


Function AddBox(me.tbox,ObjectCount)
      me = new tbox
      me.Objecttype      = tbox
      me.x1         =rnd#(800)
      me.y1         =rnd#(600)
      me.x2         =me.x1+rnd#(100)
      me.y2         =me.y1+rnd#(100)
      me.Colour   =rndrgb()

Function UpdateBox(me.tBox)
   if   CurrentTime<me.LIfeTime            
         local c=me.Colour
         local c1=rgbfade(c,25)
         local x=(me.x1+me.x2)/2
         local y=(me.y1+me.y2)/2
         ShadeBox me.x1,me.y1,me.x2,me.y2,c,c1,c,c1
         Boxc me.x1,me.y1,me.x2,me.y2,false,c1
         ; Free This Item
         me = null                        


Title: Re: Linked List of Typed Pointers
Post by: kevin on September 24, 2007, 02:03:04 AM
   Linked List With List Manager

      This version + demo is the same the first example, but this time it's set up to manage various linked lists through a simple interface.  So In this demo it runs four copies of the previous example, each in their own view port + list.

   Explicit on

   Type ListManager

   Dim ListTable(1) as ListManager

   Type LinkList

Function CreateList()
EndFunction Index

Function  GetFirstLInk(LIstHandle)
   if ListHandle>0 and LIstHandle<=GetArrayElements(ListTable(),1)
EndFunction Me as linkLIst pointer

Function LinkObject(ListHandle,Me as Linklist Pointer)
   dim NextObject as linklist pointer
   me.BackLink   =0
   if ListTable(ListHandle).first<>0
      NextObject            =ListTable(ListHandle).first
      NextObject.backlink   =int(me)   

   ; link me to the old first object
   me.forwardlink         =ListTable(ListHandle).First   


Function UnlinkObject(ListHandle,Me as LinkList pointer)
      dim PreviousObject as linklist pointer

      PreviousObject      =me.Backlink
      NextObject         =me.ForwardLink

      ; Check if were deleting the first object in the list
      if ListTable(ListHandle).First=int(me) then    ListTable(ListHandle).First=int(NextObject)      

         ; IF the next object isn't the end of the list, if not then set it's Back link to the previous object
      if int(NextObject)<>0       then NextObject.BackLink         =int(PreviousObject)
      if int(PreviousObject)<>0    then PreviousObject.ForwardLink   =int(NextObject)


EndFunction NextObject as linklist pointer

   ; declare the ball type from LinkList parent
   Type tBall as LinkList

   ; declare the Box type from LinkList parent
   Type tBox as LinkList

   ; CReate a Handle for this
   global MyLinkList=0

   Type tRect

   Type tGame
      Viewport as tRect

   Dim Game as tGame list

; Create Game PLayer #1   
   Game = new tGame
   Game.BackDropColour = Rndrgb()

; Create Game Player #2 (right hand side of display)

   Game = new tGame
   Game.BackDropColour = Rndrgb()

; Create Game PLayer #3   
   Game = new tGame
   Game.BackDropColour = Rndrgb()

; Create Game Player #4 (right hand side of display)

   Game = new tGame
   Game.BackDropColour = Rndrgb()

   local ObjectCount

         global CurrentTime=timer()
         For Each Game()

            Dim Obj as linkList pointer

            ScreenViewport Game.Viewport.x1,Game.Viewport.y1,Game.Viewport.x2,Game.Viewport.y2

            Cls Game.BackDropColour

            ; ====================================
            ; Select and Add Object to linked list
            ; =====================================
               if SpaceKey()=false
                  if rnd(1000)>900
                     Select Rnd(1)
                        case 0
                        case 1
                     inc ObjectCount

                  ; ============================
                  ; Process Linked Object LIst
                  ; ============================
                  local ObjectsInList=0
                  While int(Obj)<>0
                     Select obj.ObjectType
                           Case tBall

                           Case tBox
                           Default   ; Unknown Object Type
                     inc ObjectsInList            

               Text game.Viewport.X1,game.Viewport.Y1,"Object Count:"+str$(ObjectsInList)


         ScreenViewport 0,0,getsurfacewidth(),getsurfaceheight()

Function AddBall(ListHandle)
      Dim Obj as Tball pointer
      obj               = new tBall
      obj.Objecttype      = tball
      obj.name      ="Circle"+str$(ListHandle)
      Obj.x         =rnd(800)
      Obj.y         =rnd(600)
      Obj.radius   =rndrange(10,20)
      Obj.Colour   =rndrgb()

Function UpdateBall(Obj as tball pointer)
      local x=Obj.x-1

      if   (CurrentTime<obj.LIfeTime) and (X>(Game.Viewport.X1-50))            
            local c=Obj.Colour
            local c1=rgbfade(c,25)
            Circlec x,obj.y,obj.radius,true,c
            Circlec x,obj.y,obj.radius,false,c1
            CenterText Obj.x,obj.y,obj.Name$
            free Obj               

EndFunction NextObject as LinkList Pointer

Function AddBox(Listhandle)
      Dim Obj as tBox pointer
      obj               = new tbox
      obj.Objecttype      = tbox
      Obj.name$      ="Box"+STR$(Listhandle)
      Obj.x1         =rnd(800)
      Obj.y1         =rnd(600)
      Obj.x2         =Obj.x1+rnd(100)
      Obj.y2         =Obj.y1+rnd(100)
      Obj.Colour   =rndrgb()

Function UpdateBox(Obj as tBox pointer)
   if   CurrentTime<obj.LIfeTime            
         local c=Obj.Colour
         local c1=rgbfade(c,25)
         local x=(Obj.x1+Obj.x2)/2
         local y=(Obj.y1+Obj.y2)/2
         ShadeBox Obj.x1,obj.y1,Obj.x2,obj.y2,c,c1,c,c1
         Boxc Obj.x1,obj.y1,Obj.x2,obj.y2,false,c1
         CenterText x,y,obj.Name$
         free Obj

ENdFUnction NextObject as LinkList Pointer
