
PlayBASIC => Beginners => Topic started by: monkeybot on July 05, 2014, 06:23:50 AM

Title: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: monkeybot on July 05, 2014, 06:23:50 AM
I have started messing around with PB2DLL at long last and seem to have come across a problem.

i have translated this to PD2DLL

;do       ;x,y  ,rad,split,rad2
;   DLL_circ(rndrange(100,700),rndrange(100,500),rnd(50),rnd(10),5)
;   loop

Function DLL_circ(x#,y#,rad#,split#,rad2#)
   ink rgb(rnd($ff),rnd($ff),rnd($ff))
   local r#,ox#,oy#,nx#,ny#
   for r#=0 to 360 step split#
      line x#+ox#,y#+oy#,x#+nx#,y#+ny#
   ;   sync


Function ic(x#,y#,rad#)
   local r,ox#,oy#,nx#,ny#
   for r=0 to 360 step 10
      line x#+ox#,y#+oy#,x#+nx#,y#+ny#
;      sync


i call the dll with

[pbcode]linkDll "C:\Users\PC\Desktop\pb stuff\dll testing\dll3\dll\unnamed.dll"
   circ(x#,y#,rad#,split#,rad2#) alias "circ"
local it=0
   print it


i find that it only runs for a random amount of iterations,max 15 loops before freezing whereas the original code runs fine

you can test the original code by uncommenting the first 4 lines and run it in PB

Title: Re: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: kevin on July 05, 2014, 08:49:20 AM

   Looking at the test code I suspect your problem is an infinite loop stemming from this call,


  If you call the dll version of the function and split# parameter is zero, then the you've created an infinite loop.  So it'll loop inside the function forever.

  This works in the run times as they have code in them to trap these sort of things and automatically exit. 

  Here's slight tune up of the code.


Function DLL_circ(x#,y#,rad#,split#,rad2#)
      ; should really preserve the ink colour before changing it here
   ink rndrgb()
   local r#,ox#,oy#,nx#,ny#
   for r#=0 to 360 step split#
      line ox#,oy#,nx#,ny#

Title: Re: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: monkeybot on July 05, 2014, 09:47:32 AM

Thanks for that Kevin.

I changed rnd(10) TO rndrange(1,10)
and now it works like a charm!

Title: Re: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: monkeybot on July 09, 2014, 04:56:23 PM
this seems to happen on exit fairly often
Title: Re: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: kevin on July 09, 2014, 08:25:19 PM

Thanks for the heads up, but unfortunately those dialogs aren't at all useful remotely.

What I need are things like the your log files, the source your building in order to try and replicate the problems.
Title: Re: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: monkeybot on July 10, 2014, 04:05:46 PM
Another strange point is if i pin PB2DLL to my taskbar windows always informs me that the shortcut is invalid.

I think it may be something to do with the dialogues again as it only happens when i select a file and not when i choose one from the history list.

This is the code i am putting through PB2DLL

LogFile Attached

Quote; PROJECT : dlltest3
; CREATED : 05/07/2014
; EDITED  : 10/07/2014
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
explicit on
Constant makedll=1

#if not makedll

local it,avg,t#=timer()

if it>1000
   print (timer()-t#)/1000
   until spacekey()

   boxc 0,0,50,20,1,0
   text 0,0,str$(it)+" "+str$((timer()-t#)/1000)+" "+str$(avg)


Function DLL_circ(x#,y#,rad#,split#,rad2#)
   static count
   ink rgb(rnd($ff),rnd($ff),rnd($ff))
   local r#,ox#,oy#,nx#,ny#
   for r#=0 to 360 step split#
      line x#+ox#,y#+oy#,x#+nx#,y#+ny#
   count ++
   ink $ffffff
   boxc 0,0,100,20,1,0
   text 0,0,count   

Function ic(x#,y#,rad#)
   local r,ox#,oy#,nx#,ny#
   for r=0 to 360 step 360/36
      line x#+ox#,y#+oy#,x#+nx#,y#+ny#

Title: Re: PB2DLL Crashing
Post by: kevin on July 10, 2014, 08:30:41 PM

Thanks, but given what's in your log files, I was expecting you to email it..  Thus have  deleted the file from the previous post.

Without looking at it,  I suspect the issue is that somewhere a bank of memory is being prematurely deleted.  Have ran into a similar with Amos2PB..