All Game Music

Started by XpMe_v1.2, May 20, 2006, 06:19:09 PM

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Royalty free background game music (mp3 format  534++ files) and more.
Plus  131  playable and downloadable music files for non-members.
Also will be adding other types of sound files soon.

New freeware Game  Nitro found  on
My PlayBASIC games are here -->>

Game Plot:
Nitro Ned, the mad jester, wants to destroy
the Clown Town carnival by blowing up the
gas main.
It's your job to Stop him !
Nitro Ned involves a Jester on a unicycle
on top of a tightrope dropping nitro.
You must stop the nitro from destroying
the bricks.
If any nitro reaches the gas main then the
Clown Town carnival will be destroyed.
...XpMe v1.2


Pretty cool.  It's a rather unusual concept for a game, where did you get the idea from ?


I got the idea about 2 weeks ago from my brother.
He has lots of ideas for games and I liked this one he suggested.
As soon as I saw his sketches (he is an artist)  of the idea,
I had to make this freeware game.
I already had the theme music to the intro screen on my music site.
It found it easy to create this game also.
Play Basic has all the commands to make it possible to do this.
My brothers playing it right now.
I always find it hard to beat his high scores or even to get on the
high score list after he has played it.
I have plans for other games as I have the time to create them.
...XpMe v1.2


I also need to say about the game is that all the music was created by me.
All the images was created by me except the first frame to the Jester
on the tightrope.
My brother drew it real quick in a 3d graphics program to show
what he thinks a 2d Jester should look like.
I liked the bright red colors so I just left it like it is.
...XpMe v1.2