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Contestant Reminder !

Started by kevin, December 08, 2009, 08:41:47 PM

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Contestant Reminder !

    I'm not seeing a lot of  BLOGGING going on ?  -  A weekly post in about your entry is mandatory, and not optional !


I am working on my games.. it's kind of little farm. but i'm not really good in graphic. I used some of free graphics and audio.. is that allow? I didn't see it in contest rule. :-[Error Missing Closing Square Bracket
Jantorn Kim


    * Entries may NOT include any copyrighted or trademarked materials (i.e characters, Artwork, music etc) from any 3rd party, without including written consent from the creators.

   So, You can use 3rd party materials, but only if you can provide some type of verifiable proof.   


I See, Thank you.  i'll include the website to verify that free license.
Jantorn Kim



Hi Mr. Kevin,

First I would to sorry that I blogged late due I'm also studying and working so I have little times to look at my games. Ok now, I'll summary what i have done and my progress.

Chanthorn :-[Error Missing Closing Square Bracket
Jantorn Kim


I'm sorry, but i don't find the time to make a complete game for this competition.
I thought i would and had some good ideas, but i guess i underestimated the work that something like this needs.
I'm really sorry guys :-(. I'm looking forward to see your entrie :-)!