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Mouse key pad

Started by XpMe_v1.2, January 02, 2005, 03:50:01 PM

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Here is a different way to enter text information.

Pop Up Mouse key pad For entering up To 20 letters.
        is visible when Right Mouse is clicked.
             hides when Enter is clicked.
Draggable top bar.
With returned values.

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
` This code may be added to for more options by making it taller
` to add more button controls. But it does a good job by itself.
Global PadOffOn = 0
Global Drag = 0
Global Dragger = 90
Global BackSpc = 93
Global Enter = 96
Global Img = 100
Global Xkey = 100
Global Ykey = 100
Global Info$ = ""
Global EnteredInfo$ = "EMPTY"
Global oldfont = GetFreeFont() : LoadFont "Courier New" ,oldfont,16,0 `normal text
Global newfont = GetFreeFont() : LoadFont "Courier New" ,newfont,16,3 `Combined Bold + Italics
OpenScreen 640,480,32,1
TitleScreen "MOUSE KEY PAD"
Cls RGB(222,222,200)
Say(3,10, RGB(255,255,255),RGB(95,95,95) ,"Hold and drag top bar by pressing the left mouse button and dragging over it.")
Say(3,30, RGB(255,255,255),RGB(95,95,95) ,"Texas")
Say(3,50, RGB(255,255,255),RGB(95,95,95) ,"Entered Information.... " + EnteredInfo$)
If PadOffOn = 0 Then Say(3,80, RGB(255,255,255),RGB(95,95,95) ,"Right Mouse Click to show Key Pad" )
If PadOffOn = 1 Then Say(3,80, RGB(255,255,255),RGB(95,95,95) ,"Click ENTER key to close the Key Pad" )
Say(3,110, RGB(255,255,255),RGB(95,95,95) ,"fps " + Str$( FPS() ) )
But = MouseButton()
Mxx = MouseX()
Myy = MouseY()
If Drag = 1 Then Xkey = Mxx - 88 : Ykey = Myy - 9 `if left mouse is down then keep up with it
If PadOffOn = 0
If But = 2
Xkey = Mxx - 88 : Ykey = Myy - 9 `if right mouse is down then get new X,Y position + Enables visibility
PadOffOn = 1 ` and stop it from getting any new X,Y positions
If PadOffOn = 1
DrawImage Img ,Xkey,Ykey ,1
CheckAndDrawHiLi(Mxx,Myy,But) `check for mouse over buttond and highlight as needed
ChecksForDragPad(Mxx,Myy,But) `check if mouse is over top drag bar and positions the X,Y
If Drag = 1 Then DrawImage Dragger+2 ,Xkey,Ykey, 1 : Entered(Info$) `drag colored image bar is shown if mouse = 1
Until EnterKey()
`---------------------- shapes maker
Function Cube(xx,yy ,ww,dd, cc1,cc2)
BoxC xx ,yy ,ww ,dd ,1, cc1
BoxC xx+1 ,yy+1 ,ww-1 ,dd-1 ,1, cc2
`---------------------- text maker
Function Say(xx,yy ,cc1,cc2 ,Txt$)
Ink cc1 : Text xx+1 ,yy+1 ,Txt$
Ink cc2 : Text xx,yy,Txt$
`---------------------- create images (builds big image while getting small images.(saves repeating code) )
Function BuildKeyPad()
SetFont newfont
zx=15 :zy=15 :x=zx :y=zy :w=176 :D=242 :tip=18 :bot=18
Cube( x+1 ,y+1 ,x+w+1 ,y+d+1 ,RGB(9,9,9) ,RGB(199,199, 99) )
Cube( x ,y ,x+w ,y+d ,RGB(9,9,9) ,RGB(169,139, 99) )

For e = 1 To 3 : cc = RGB(200,160,140) : If e = 1 Then cc = RGB(222,222,102)
If e = 2 Then cc = RGB(142,222,142)
Cube( x+1 ,y+1 ,x+w+1 ,y+tip+1 ,RGB(9,9,9) ,RGB(199,199, 99) ) `Top bar
Cube( x ,y ,x+w ,y+tip ,RGB(9,9,9) ,cc )
Say( x+4 ,y ,RGB(255,255,255) ,RGB(1,1,1) ,"Mouse Key Pad" )
If e = 1 Then GetImage Dragger+1 ,x,y, x+w,y+tip
If e = 2 Then GetImage Dragger+2 ,x,y, x+w,y+tip

Cube( x+1 ,y-bot+d+1 ,x+w+1 ,y+d+1 ,RGB(9,9,9) ,RGB(199,199, 99) ) `Bottom entered information bar
Cube( x ,y-bot+d ,x+w ,y+d ,RGB(9,9,9) ,RGB(244,214, 74) )

n=0:xx=zx+4:x=xx:y=zy+22 :w=15:d=18:spc=2
For t = 0 To 94
For e = 1 To 3 : cc = RGB(222,222,220) : If e = 1 Then cc = RGB(222,222,102) `All small buttons
If e = 2 Then cc = RGB(142,222,142)
Cube( x ,y, x+w,y+d ,RGB( 9, 9, 9) ,cc )
Say( x+3,y ,RGB(255,255,255) ,RGB( 95, 95, 95) ,Chr$(32+t) )
If e = 1 Then GetImage Img+1+t ,x,y, x+w,y+d
If e = 2 Then GetImage Img+1+t+100 ,x,y, x+w,y+d
x=x+w+spc : Inc n: If n=10 Then n=0 :x=xx :y=y+d+spc

For e = 1 To 3 : cc = RGB(222,222,220) : If e = 1 Then cc = RGB(222,222,102)
If e = 2 Then cc = RGB(142,222,142)
Cube( x+4 ,y, x+w+12,y+d ,RGB( 9, 9, 9) ,cc )
Say( x+7 ,y ,RGB(255,255,255) ,RGB( 95, 95, 95) ,"<<" ) `back space button
If e = 1 Then GetImage BackSpc+1 ,x+4,y, x+w+12,y+d
If e = 2 Then GetImage BackSpc+2 ,x+4,y, x+w+12,y+d

For e = 1 To 3 : cc = RGB(222,222,220) : If e = 1 Then cc = RGB(222,222,102)
If e = 2 Then cc = RGB(142,222,142)
Cube( x+34 ,y, x+w+68,y+d ,RGB( 9, 9, 9) ,cc )
Say( x+40 ,y ,RGB(255,255,255) ,RGB( 95, 95, 95) ,"enter" ) ` enter button
If e = 1 Then GetImage Enter+1 ,x+34,y, x+w+68,y+d
If e = 2 Then GetImage Enter+2 ,x+34,y, x+w+68,y+d
zx=15 :zy=15 :x=zx :y=zy :w=176 :D=242: GetImage Img ,x,y, x+11+w,y+11+d `BIG image
SetFont oldfont
`---------------------- bottom bar to hold text you have entered
Function Entered(Inf$)
Say(Xkey+4,Ykey+224 ,RGB(177,177,99) ,RGB(5,5,5) ,Inf$ )
`---------------------- mouse clicks input
Function CheckAndDrawHiLi(Mx,My,Bt)
If Drag = 1 Then Exitfunction `exit if drag is enabled
`--- all small keys
xx=Xkey+ 4 : x=xx : w=15
y=Ykey+22 : d=18 : spc=2 : n=0
If My>Ykey And My<Ykey+d Then DrawImage Dragger+1 ,Xkey,Ykey, 1
For t = 0 To 94
If My > y And My < y+d
If Mx > x+4 And Mx < x+w
If Bt = 0 Then DrawImage Img+1+t ,x ,y ,1 : ee = 1 : Entered(Info$) : Sync: ExitFor
If Bt = 1
If Len(Info$) < 21 Then Info$ = Info$ + Chr$(32+t)
DrawImage Img+1+t+100 ,x ,y ,1 : Entered(Info$) : Sync
Until MouseButton() = 0 : ee = 1 : ExitFor
EndIf : x=x+w+spc
Inc n : If n=10 Then n=0 :x=xx :y=y+d+spc
Next : If ee = 1 Then Exitfunction
`--- backspace key
x=Xkey+93 : y=Ykey+202 : w=23 :D=18
If My > y And My < y+d And Mx > x And Mx < x+w
If Bt = 0 Then DrawImage BackSpc+1 ,x ,y ,1
m = Len(Info$)
If m > 0 And Bt = 1
Info$ = Left$(Info$, m-1)
DrawImage BackSpc+2 ,x ,y ,1 : Entered(Info$) : Sync
Until MouseButton() = 0
`--- enter key
x=Xkey+123 : y=Ykey+202 : w=49 :D=18
If My > y And My < y+d And Mx > x And Mx < x+w
If Bt = 0 Then DrawImage Enter+1 ,x ,y ,1
If Bt = 1
EnteredInfo$ = "EMPTY" : If Len(Info$) > 0 Then EnteredInfo$ = Info$
Login required to view complete source code

...XpMe v1.2


A : followed the letter d      
have been replaced by     happy  :D  faces    
which should be  a    
: followed the letter d      
in those locations.
Must be the forum program doing that.
I had to separate them in this new post just to tell you what they are.
...XpMe v1.2


Hello XpMe v1.2,

Can you proceed a bit slower, I can't study so many of your examples, my head hurt! :D

It's a great example and it's fun!

Have a nice day,


P.S. I noticed before that forum does strange things to posted source codes. I guess we'll see a lot of smiles in the future! ;)
My computer specification:

AMD Athlon 64 2800+
MB ASUS K8V Socket 754 VIA K8T800
SB Audigy 2
AGP NVIDIA GeForce 7600GT 256 MB-Club 3D
Windows XP Pro SP2
DirectX 9.0c