Stack - Data Structures

Started by kevin, January 14, 2006, 04:22:37 PM

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; *=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=*
; This example shows how you can roll some functions to treat arrays like
; stacks. In this example were using a 1D integer array for a data stack.
; What is a stack ?
; =================
; Conceptually, a stack is simple: a data storage method that allows adding and
; removing elements in a particular order. Every time an element is added,
; it goes on the top of the stack, the only element that can be removed is
; the element that was at the top of the stack.
; Consequently, a stack is said to have "first in last out" behavior
; (or "last in, first out"). The first item added to a stack will be the last
; item removed from a stack.
; *=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=*

Dim MyStack(0)

Print "Pushed Data to stack"
For lp=0 to 10
; grab a random value to store on our MTSTack() array
; display the value so we can see it
print ThisValue
; push it to the stack

setcursor 0,200
print ShowStack(MyStack())

; Display the values off the stack
setcursor 0,300
Print "Popped values"

For lp=1 to StackSize(MyStack())
Print PopFromStack(MyStack())


; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*
; Get the Size of this array stack
; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*

FUnction StackSize(Array())
EndFunction Size

; Note, This example is generic (works on any 1D integer array) you
; could easily optimize this to remove the constant resizing
; by storing the current stack index/pointer in element zero
; of the array. Which is not used.. Same applies for the
; cell copy, as you could simply store new cells at the end.
; But that's an exercise for the user :)

; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*
; Push a Integer value onto our Stack array
; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*

Function PushToStack(Array(),ThisValue)
; Get the current size of this array

; redim it (resize) so it's one element bigger
redim Array(size+1)

; copy all existing cells (elements) down one stop to
; make room for inserting the new element at top
CopyArrayCells array(),size,-1,array(),size+1,-1,size

; insert the new Top element at array position #1

; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*
; Pop the top value off our Stack array
; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*

Function PopFromStack(Array())
; Get the Arry of the stack array
; check if there's at least 1 item in the stack
if size>0
; grab the TOP item at array index #1
; copy all the following cells Up. So now element
; 2 is in element 1's position and so on
CopyArrayCells array(),1,1,array(),0,1,size
; reduce the arrays size by 1 element
redim Array(size-1)
EndFunction ThisValue

; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*
; Build a string of the stack contents for displaying
; =-----------------------------------------------------------------=*

Function ShowStack(Array())
if size>0
for lp=1 to size
if lp<>size then s$=s$+","
EndFunction s$