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Your connection speed

Started by XpMe_v1.2, June 07, 2008, 11:04:31 AM

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What is your internet connection speed?

56k modem
1 (9.1%)
more than 56k but less than DSL
1 (9.1%)
DSL (high speed)
9 (81.8%)

Total Members Voted: 10


I'm considering offering my music files on my web site as a
download purchase instead of being sent through the mail.
BUT for each download file would be inside the
180 to 240 megabyte range (50 to 60 music files
to a zipped file)  per download.

Have you moved beyond a 56k modem?
What is your internet connection speed?
Your response or comments about this
will help me make this choice.

...XpMe v1.2


Oh yeah, some nice download packages with music to purchase - sounds good!

I have a 6 MBit DSL connection so I'm fine with downloading more than 100 MB.

I'd suggest to offer several different priced packages.
Maybe make small themes of 5 songs that fit together (menu loop, ingame loop, attention theme, end game, high score loop) and then collections of 4 or 5 of those packages...



Thanks for the comment.
Opinions from you and others do help.
I would rather go for downloads instead of mail.
But it would be nice to see what the poll responses
may say in the end.
...XpMe v1.2


  Electronic distribution is the way to go.  Although, have you looked in CD on demand services ?   


The music files I already have out there would have to sell as they are in 50 to 60 per download.
But as thaaks(and kevin 2yrs ago)  said, "small themes" extracted from all those files is a good idea.
Plus create some new "small themes".
I'd have to look into CD on demand services.

...XpMe v1.2


Since the voters have responded 7 to 2 for having high speed connections...
I have made the mp3 music files on my web site available as download music packs
purchases starting today.
Each download file will be inside a 180 to 240 megabyte
range (50 to 60 music files to a zipped file) per download.
I'm also still doing the mail orders also.
...XpMe v1.2


Me adsl but speed 5-10kb/sec 8-)