
PlayBASIC => Resources => Source Codes => Topic started by: kevin on August 05, 2017, 11:43:45 AM

Title: Array Wrapping / Filtering / Sampling Speed Ideas
Post by: kevin on August 05, 2017, 11:43:45 AM
      This example contains a few different ideas for how you might remove some
      coordinate wrapping that can occurs writing filtering routines in arrays
      The program has a 2D array full of colour values, that array is then
      averaged by a filtering each cell with the cells around it.  This is done 10
      times to get some idea of how long the process takes.  So we have the simple
      version, which is slow through to a slightly more cumbersome version  that's
      around 3 times quicker on my test system.  


               >>   Array Wrapping / Filtering /  Sampling Speed Ideas V001 <<
                           By Kevin Picone


      This example contains a few different ideas for how you might remove some
      coordinate wrapping that can occurs writing filtering routines in arrays
      The program has a 2D array full of colour values, that array is then
      averaged by a filtering each cell with the cells around it.  This is done 10
      times to get some idea of how long the process takes.  So we have the simple
      version, which is slow through to a slightly more cumbersome version  that's
      around 3 times quicker on my test system.  



   Width   =500

   Dim BackupMap#(Width,Height)
   Dim InputMap#(Width,Height)
   Dim OutputMap#(Width,Height)


   Passes = 10

   Method =1
   TotalMethods = 10

   Dim Results#(TotalMethods)
   for Method = 1 to TotalMethods
      if FunctionExist(MethodName$)

            for lp=0 to Passes

               // time how old this function takes in milliseconds..
               // we average out the time later to get a better idea of the result
               CallFunction MethodName$, InputMap#(),OutputMap#()

               setcursor 0,0
               print MethodName$+" Pass:"+Str$(lp)+" of "+str$(Passes)

               swapArray InputMap#(),OutputMap#()


   print "---------------------------------------"
   print "Results:"
   print "---------------------------------------"
   for Method = 1 to TotalMethods
      if FunctionExist(MethodName$)
            print MethodName$   +"  Time:"+str$(Results#(Method) / Passes)+" Per pass"



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0001 (SLOW BUT FLEXIBLE) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0001(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time

   for ylp=0 to h
         for xlp=0 to w
            // Read all the cells around this point
               For Sy = ylp-1 to ylp+1
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wrapvalue( sx,0,w) ,wrapvalue(sy,0,h))

            // drop the result into the output array


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0002 (LESS WRAPS PER SAMPLE) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0002(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time

   for ylp=0 to h
            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            for xlp=0 to w
            // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     wx=wrapvalue( sx,0,w)

                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0002 (Two Passes) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0003(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time


      // This version of the inner loop, does all the cells that don't need
      // the coordinates wrapped, so the sampler doesn't hit the edges of the
      // of the array, and we don't need to wrap it

      h_minusOne  = h-1
      w_MinusOne   = w-1

      for ylp=1 to h_MinusOne

            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            for xlp=1 to w_MinusOne
               // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array


   // Do Edges...
      for ylp=0 to h
            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            // Check if we'\re doing the first or last line ?
            // if so, we do all cells on this row, otherwise only the first and last
            Xstep = W
            if Ylp=0 or Ylp=h then  Xstep =1            
            for xlp=0 to w step Xstep
               // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     wx=wrapvalue( sx,0,w)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> DRAW ARRAY AS TILES <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function DrawArray(ThisArray#())



   CellsAcross= sw/GridSize      
   for ylp=0 to h
         for xlp=0 to CellsAcross
            Col=cliprange#( ThisArray#(xlp,ylp),0,255)
            BoxC Xpos,Ypos,Xpos+GridSize,Ypos2,true, rgb(Col,Col,col)
      if Ypos=>GetScreenHeight()

Function RandomizeArray(ThisArray#())

   for ylp=0 to h
      for xlp=0 to w


Related Optimization Links:

    - A Crash Course In BASIC program Optimization (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=2548.0)
    - Global / Local Animation  (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=3604.0)
    - Optimzation Ideas - Manually Finding The Closest Object (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=3221.0)
     - PlayBasic Optimization Tutorial  - Cross fade Methods (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=2890.0)
     - Kaleidoscope (optimized) (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=4111.0)

Title: Re: Array Wrapping / Filtering / Sampling Speed Ideas
Post by: kevin on August 06, 2017, 08:12:31 AM
  This example contains a few different ideas for how you might remove some coordinate wrapping and double reading that occurs writing filtering routines   over arrays
 The program has a 2D array full of colour values, that array is then    averaged by filtering each cell with the cells around it.  This is done 10 times to get some idea of how long the process takes.  So we have the simple   version, which is slow through to a slightly more cumbersome versions.  The best way is to not re-read cells over and over so if you cache scan lines it can work a lot quicker.  The version runs is around 6 times faster than the naive version...  So well worth a little messing around if every need to write  filter


               >>   Array Filtering /  Sampling Speed Ideas V002 <<
                           By Kevin Picone
      This example contains a few different ideas for how you might remove some
   coordinate wrapping and double reading that occurs writing filtering routines
  over arrays
      The program has a 2D array full of colour values, that array is then
   averaged by filtering each cell with the cells around it.  This is done 10
   times to get some idea of how long the process takes.  So we have the simple
   version, which is slow through to a slightly more cumbersome versions.  The best
    way is to not re-read cells over and over so if you cache scan lines it can
   work a lot quicker.  The version runs is around 6 times faster than the naive
   version...  So well worth a little messing around if every need to write  filter


   Width   =500

   Dim BackupMap#(Width,Height)
   Dim InputMap#(Width,Height)
   Dim OutputMap#(Width,Height)


   Passes = 10

   Method =1
   TotalMethods = 10

   Dim Results#(TotalMethods)

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   for Method = 1 to TotalMethods
      if FunctionExist(MethodName$)

            // restore the input array with the original pattern

            // Run a bunch of average/samplinjg passes over the array      
            for lp=0 to Passes

               // time how old this function takes in milliseconds..
               // we average out the time later to get a better idea of the result
               CallFunction MethodName$, InputMap#(),OutputMap#()

               setcursor 0,0
               print MethodName$+" Pass:"+Str$(lp)+" of "+str$(Passes)

               swapArray InputMap#(),OutputMap#()


   print "---------------------------------------"
   print "Results:"
   print "---------------------------------------"

   print "Cells:"+Str$(Width*Height)
   print ""
   for Method = 1 to TotalMethods
      if FunctionExist(MethodName$)
            print MethodName$   +"  Time:"+str$(Results#(Method) / Passes)+" Per pass"


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0001 (SLOW BUT FLEXIBLE) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0001(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time

   for ylp=0 to h
         for xlp=0 to w
            // Read all the cells around this point
               For Sy = ylp-1 to ylp+1
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wrapvalue( sx,0,w) ,wrapvalue(sy,0,h))

            // drop the result into the output array


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0002 (LESS WRAPS PER SAMPLE) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0002(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time

   for ylp=0 to h
            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            for xlp=0 to w
            // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     wx=wrapvalue( sx,0,w)

                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0003 (Two Passes) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0003(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time


      // This version of the inner loop, does all the cells that don't need
      // the coordinates wrapped, so the sampler doesn't hit the edges of the
      // of the array, and we don't need to wrap it

      h_minusOne  = h-1
      w_MinusOne   = w-1

      for ylp=1 to h_MinusOne

            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            for xlp=1 to w_MinusOne
               // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array


   // Do Edges...
      for ylp=0 to h
            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            // Check if we'\re doing the first or last line ?
            // if so, we do all cells on this row, otherwise only the first and last
            Xstep = W
            if Ylp=0 or Ylp=h then  Xstep =1            
            for xlp=0 to w step Xstep
               // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     wx=wrapvalue( sx,0,w)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0004 (Two Passes Unrolled) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0004(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time


      // This version of the inner loop, does all the cells that don't need
      // the coordinates wrapped, so the sampler doesn't hit the edges of the
      // of the array, and we don't need to wrap it

      h_minusOne  = h-1
      w_MinusOne   = w-1

      for ylp=1 to h_MinusOne

            Ylp_MinusOne    = ylp-1
            Ylp_PlusOne    = ylp+1
            for xlp=1 to w_MinusOne
               // Read all the cells around this point
                     Total#=SrcArray#(xlp ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(xlp ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(xlp ,ylp_PLusOne)

                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_PLusOne)

                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(sx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array


   // Do Edges...
      for ylp=0 to h
            Ylp_MinusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp-1,0,h)
            Ylp_PlusOne    = wrapvalue(ylp+1,0,h)

            // Check if we'\re doing the first or last line ?
            // if so, we do all cells on this row, otherwise only the first and last
            Xstep = W
            if Ylp=0 or Ylp=h then  Xstep =1            
            for xlp=0 to w step Xstep
               // Read all the cells around this point
                  For Sx = xlp-1 to xlp+1
                     wx=wrapvalue( sx,0,w)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_MinusOne)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(wx ,ylp_PLusOne)

            // drop the result into the output array



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> AVERAGE ARRAY V0004 (Two Passes Unrolled) <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function AverageArray_V0005(SrcArray#(),DestArray#())


   // Here we'll assume the SRC and DEST are the sa me size..  to save some time


      Dim RowPrevious#(w)
      Dim RowCurrent#(w)
      Dim RowNext#(w)

      // grab the previous row
      AverageArray_V0005_TallyRow(SrcArray#(), h, RowPrevious#(),w )
      // Grad the current row
      AverageArray_V0005_TallyRow(SrcArray#(), 0, RowCurrent#(),w )

      for ylp=0 to h

            // Grab the next row
            AverageArray_V0005_TallyRow(SrcArray#(), NextY, RowNext#(),w )

            // Add them together
            for xlp=0 to w
                  DestArray#(xlp,ylp) = Tally#/9

            // Row out the old data
            swaparray RowPrevious#(),RowCurrent#()
            swaparray RowPrevious#(),RowNext#()



Psub AverageArray_V0005_TallyRow(SrcArray#(), SrcY, DestRow#(),w )
               // NOTE: here's assuming the SrcArray#() is as least 2 cells wide
                  // Compute the first cell
               Total#=SrcArray#( w ,SrcY)
               Total#+=SrcArray#(0 ,SrcY)
               Total#+=SrcArray#(1 ,SrcY)

               // Do the middle cells, without wrapping   
               for xlp=1 to w-1
               // Read all the cells around this point
                     Total# =SrcArray#( xlp-1 ,SrcY)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(xlp   ,SrcY)
                     Total#+=SrcArray#(xlp+1 ,SrcY)

                  // remember the tally at this point


               // Compute the last cell in the row
               Total# =SrcArray#( w-1 ,SrcY)
               Total#+=SrcArray#(w ,SrcY)
               Total#+=SrcArray#(0 ,SrcY)


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------->> DRAW ARRAY AS TILES <<---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function DrawArray(ThisArray#())



   CellsAcross= sw/GridSize      
   for ylp=0 to h
         for xlp=0 to CellsAcross
            Col=cliprange#( ThisArray#(xlp,ylp),0,255)
            BoxC Xpos,Ypos,Xpos+GridSize,Ypos2,true, rgb(Col,Col,col)
      if Ypos=>GetScreenHeight()

Function RandomizeArray(ThisArray#())

   for ylp=0 to h
      for xlp=0 to w


PlayBASIC Live: Array Filtering optimization Ideas (2017-08-09)


Related Optimization Links:

    - A Crash Course In BASIC program Optimization (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=2548.0)
    - Global / Local Animation  (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=3604.0)
    - Optimzation Ideas - Manually Finding The Closest Object (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=3221.0)
    - PlayBasic Optimization Tutorial  - Cross fade Methods (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=2890.0)
    - Kaleidoscope (optimized) (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=4111.0)
     - Scan / filter 2d Array (http://www.underwaredesign.com/forums/index.php?topic=4134.0)