
PlayBASIC => Resources => Source Codes => Topic started by: kevin on September 24, 2017, 10:55:24 AM

Title: Compute List Of Unique Email Addresses
Post by: kevin on September 24, 2017, 10:55:24 AM
   Compute List Of Unique Email Addresses

    This code  skim through an input file looking for rows with email addresses in them,  in the file I have,  I only needed to briefly parse the rows, as they look a bit like this


   so it loads the file to a string, splits it to an array, then looks as the rows and splits them to an array and builds a list of all the email addresses in the file.   It doesn't really check if it's a real address, it assume any string with an @ followed by a dot after it, is likely to be an email address (it might not be!)..  But it's good enough for my MY needs.. If you need it to do something else, then YOU write it yourself...  :)

    Once the file has been processed,  it then tries to build a list of unique emails from raw email list then dump it out to a save file.. So you end up with a list of email domains.

    NOTE:  This code needs the location of the file with the email addresses in it to work.  


   //---[ FILE NAMES ]-----------------------------------------------------

   EmailList_FileName$   ="RAW-Email-LIst.txt"
   Results_SaveName$      ="Unique-Domains.txt"


   if fileexist(EmailList_FileName$)
      Dim EmailList$(0)

      LoadAndParseEmails(EmailList_FileName$   ,EmailList$())

      print count
      if Fileexist(SaveName$) then deletefile Results_SaveName$
      if fh
         for lp =0 to Count
            print e$
            writestring fh,e$

         Closefile FH

         print "Can't find input file"
         print EmailList_FileName$   

function LoadAndParseEmails(Filename$,Email$())
   if fileexist(filename$)
      if fh
          closefile fh

          // strip spaces   
            s$=replace$(s$,chr$(9)," ")
               s$=replace$(s$,"  "," ")
            loop instring(s$,"  ")<1


            Dim Output$(Size/2)
            LinesInFile = SplitToArray(s$,chr$(10), Output$())
            dim row$(255)
            DIM Email$(LinesInFile)
            for lp =0 to LInesInfile
               // look for line bigger than say 5 characters as
               if len(s$)>5
                  // cut the row up, then skim through and look for anything
                  // with the @ sign in it, so we assume it's an email address..
                  // it might not be but i DONT CARE ! :)
                  TokensInRow=SplitToArray(s$," ",row$())
                  For TokensLp=0 to TokensInRow-1
                     if atpos>1
                           if instring(Token$,".",atpos)>atpos   
            ReDim Email$(EmailCount)
            undim row$()
            undim Output$()

function Compute_List_Of_Common_Emails(Emails$())
   DIm HashTable(Size)
   Dim HashEmail$(Size)
   For lp =0 to GetArrayElements(EmailList$())-1

         if Pos

            if HashTable(HASH)=0
                  HashEmail$(Hash) = EmailDomain$
                  if instring(HashEmail$,EmailDomain$)<1
                        HashEmail$(Hash)+=" "+EmailDomain$   


   EmailCount = 0
   Dim Row$(255)
   // build list of email domains
    for hash =0 to $ffff
      if count
//          print "Hash:$"+right$(hex$(Hash),4)+" Count "+digits$(count,4)+"   "+TheseEmails$
         EmailsOfSameHash = SplittoArray(TheseEmails$," ",Row$())
         for lp=0 to EmailsOfSameHash-1

   if EmailCount>0
      redim Emails$(EmailCount)
      dim emails$(0)

EndFunction EmailCount

Function HashString(S$)
      Hash = Len(s$)
      for lp =1 to Len(s$)
          Hash = rol16(hash xor (ThisCHR*lp),1)
      hash = hash and $ffff   
EndFunction Hash
