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3Impact 3D Engine SDK Now Free

Started by debug, January 08, 2010, 07:23:15 PM

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Have seen a post on another site that gave the heads up that 3Impact is now free for any (personal & commercial) use:

It has integrated rendering, physics, and networking.

The DLL version has had headers created for other languages that support DLLs including a couple of BASIC dialects.  I'm sure that this should be able to be used with PlayBasic as well.

cheers, debug.


It should be possible to build a PB binding for DLL version.



just downloaded the tech demo of this , look really good , but looks way beyond me , but would love do something ever so simple using this in PB
also think there would be a few better programmers using PB , would get some good results with this program

mick :)


  Well, I can see why this (and many other) are moving to the free model.  As lot of big name api's used in AAA titles (Havok for example) that used to cost mega bucks are moving into the free for indies.   That doesn't mean they're any easier to use :)

Anyway, after look it, i'll probably require a bit of wrapping.. 


I have used 3impact before. It is quite easy to get up and running (in c++ :) ). I'm wondering how they are making money now if the engine is completely free.