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Challenge #30 - Recreate C64 Wave animation

Started by kevin, March 06, 2021, 08:10:42 PM

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Challenge #30 -  Recreate C64 Wave animation

    Here's an off the wall challenge for the PlayBASIC coders out there.    This is classic one liner for the C64 that creates a seemingly animated wave pattern with only print.    So the challenge is, how would you create such an effect in PlayBASIC ??
Note:  Doesn't have to be a one liner.. 




     As always we'll award  Extra Brownie points to the most creative submissions .


  * Submissions can be written in any version of PlayBASIC
  * Submission can only be accepted in Source Code form only.

  * No external media is permitted for this challenge.

  * Zip up your Submissions and please try to keep it smaller than 500K !

  * Authors automatically give consent for their submission(s) to distributed and used for promotional purposes via, code tank.

  * Authors can submit as many times as they like.

  * To make a submission, zip up your projects and either post it in this thread, or create your own thread in either the Source Codes or Show Case forums and post a link bellow.

Dead Line

     Anytime before the next ice age


     * The best submissions will be periodically highlighted through the PlayBasic IDE news service / News Letters/ FaceBookTwitter or the PlayBASIC youtube channel.