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Basic Cameras

Started by kevin, July 07, 2004, 12:53:07 PM

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PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
; Simple Camera
; create the camera. By default it will sie it's self to the size of the current; screen

CreateCamera 1


Cls 0

; TEll PB to redirect all(well most immediate drawing ops) to the Scene buffer

; Clear the Scene buffer of any previous draw events

; tell PB what depth(priority) the next things your going to be
; drawing will be.. Depths, make things appear at the back, lower
; depths will make them be draw to the front..

CaptureDepth 10
Text 100,100,"This text would normally be hidden by"
Text 100,120," the box being drawn after it... "

CaptureDepth 100
BoxC 0,0,600,300,true,RGB(40,70,80)

; DRaw a circle in between the Text and the Box
CaptureDepth 50
CircleC 300,200,200,1,RGB(80,70,00)

; render whats in view of the camera to the screen... After this, drawing is back to normal Immediate mode
DrawCamera 1

Print "HELLO, i'm drawn in immediate mode"
